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Every journey begins with the first step...

What is a health coach?


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As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, my role is to be your personal cheerleader as you negotiate the path that will lead you to greater health and wellbeing. 

You know yourself best but sometimes you need someone to listen to you and shine the light on your strengths and values so you can take the next step. I walk alongside you so you can have clarity to make lasting lifestyle changes. We are all unique and we will work together to create a blueprint that will move you toward fulfilling your goals.


As a coach, I am your ally and will walk with you in your health & wellness journey by:


  • Helping you see what you are doing right! With a focus on positive psychology and self-discovery, you will choose the path and I will provide support while you explore what matters most to you. 

  • Providing tools and accountability (the way you want) to help you make lifestyle changes that align with your personal goals.

  • Educating you in areas of nutrition, relaxation/sleep, movement/exercise and relationships.

  • Helping you understand and supporting you as you implement your doctor’s prescribed care plan.

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Website Designer: Uyen Tran  |  Graphic Designer: Jamie Hoang  |  Photography:  Brooke Preece

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