My Story
Why I Do What I Do...
I was drawn to the field of health coaching after a successful journey with functional medicine exposed the root cause of my health issues and set me on the path to healing.

For years, I struggled with digestive and gastrointestinal issues, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic sinusitis, joint and muscle pain along with a host of other symptoms which went undiagnosed for 30 years; leaving me in the dark about the root cause. In 2018, a health crisis stopped me in my tracks.
The proverbial "straw that broke the camel’s back" became my reality and I was desperate to get answers. After choosing a natural approach over conventional methods, I began making dietary and other lifestyle changes and within 6 months, I began to see improvements. It has been a long journey but getting to the root of my health issues gave me hope and a new outlook on life. How could I not share this with others?
As a graduate of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, I have been trained to help you understand what matters most to you and to guide you as you choose the path that resonates with your health and wellness goals. With over 30 years of experience mentoring and training people in non-profit organizations and corporate settings, I have always been passionate about helping others succeed.
I've been married for 31 years and have raised 3 children who are enjoying full lives in their adult years. I enjoy running, hiking, reading, playing with our adopted Miniature Golden Doodle, Brady, and spending time with family and friends. I love playing at the beach and collecting as much sea glass as possible.